Auth--The Inductive Approach to Verifying Security Protocols
Cryptographic protocols are of major importance, especially with the
growing use of the Internet. This directory demonstrates the ``inductive
method'' of protocol verification, which is described in various
papers. The operational semantics of protocol participants is defined
This directory contains proofs concerning
- three versions of the Otway-Rees protocol
- the Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol
- the Needham-Schroeder public-key protocol (original and with Lowe's
- two versions of Kerberos: the simplified form published in the BAN paper
and also the full protocol (Kerberos IV)
- three versions of the Yahalom protocol, including a bad one that
illustrates the purpose of the Oops rule
- a novel recursive authentication protocol
- the Internet protocol TLS
- The certified e-mail protocol of Abadi et al.
Frederic Blanqui has contributed a theory of guardedness, which is
demonstrated by proofs of some roving agent protocols.
Larry Paulson,
[email protected]